Friday, September 23, 2011

Beginning the Journey Home

We spent 2 nights near Reading, Pennsylvania.  We just relaxed, got a pizza (and beer ... read previous post) from Pizza Hut, had a lovely campfire, and enjoyed the scenery.

Then we drove 70 miles south to the heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country in Lancaster County.  We stayed at a very nice park in the middle of the beautiful farm country.   Rather than take in the touristy traps (of which there are many) we just spent two afternoons driving through the countryside and back country roads seeing the Amish farms.


This part of Pennsylvania is so beautiful with rolling hills, well manicured farms, and several covered bridges.  We shopped at a couple of local markets and bought some locally-made cheese, sausage and scrapple.  It was a very relaxing portion of our trip.

There is a lot of good information about the Amish and Mennonite communities at the following link:  

The next destination was Frank's parents home in Alexandria, Virginia, about 150 miles south.  We left PA late enough in the morning to avoid the morning rush into Baltimore, and early enough to avoid the afternoon rush out of Washington, DC.

Because we would be staying with them, we needed a place to park the motorhome for a few days - not an easy thing to find in the metro DC area.  We ended up finding a campground about 20 miles south of DC with storage spaces.  So, we drove there first, put the motorhome onto the storage site, and packed the Geo Tracker with clothes and necessities for a few days stay in Alexandria.  As we were driving back north on I-95 toward DC, we congratulated ourselves on our good timing ... we had indeed missed the evening traffic jam coming south.

We love spending time with Frank's parents, and try to visit a couple of times a year.  We always have a great time; we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with these two remarkable people.

We are turning our thoughts toward home now, and ever grateful to God for his grace and protection over us as we have traveled.  From here, we will head to South Carolina to see our son and his fiancee for a couple of days before heading back home to Florida.

1 comment:

Inky077 said...

I am envious of your travels - can you adopt me? :)