Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Empire State

The Chambliss Express is on the road again.  We got to New York without incident, unless you count paying tolls for traveling on a US Interstate.  I-90 in New York is the old New York State Thruway, tolls and all.  The tollbooth workers are humorless sorts.

The highlight of our stay in Upstate New York revolved around the Annual Woodsmen's Field Days in Boonville. The NY logging industry puts on a show of educational seminars, equipment demonstrations, chainsaw competitions, log rolling, greased pole adventures, arts and crafts, and all things associated with the logging industry.  Raelyn's stepdad works in the logging industry and is heavily involved in the Field Days.

Liberals misunderestimate the heartland of America ... people who actually work for a living and don't feast at the public trough.  I saw a bumper sticker there that sums it up pretty well:  If you don't like the logging industry, try using plastic toilet paper.  Paging Sheryl Crowe.

The day was capped off by a lovely cookout put together by Raelyn's family at the absolutely idyllic woodland home of her aunt which sits next to a beautiful creek. We had a great time and are looking forward to more time with our new extended clan.  We've also been able to visit with friends we made when Matt was going to school at Herkimer.  It's all good.

Historical sites beckon us now ... we're always fascinated with the people and places that made this country great.  We are in the Mohawk Valley which played a pivotal part in the Revolutionary War.  We have seen the Erie Canal while here, and taken in various historical parks and markers as well.  There is more to be seen, and we'll be spending a few more days here just being shameless tourists with sunglasses and a camera.

And BTW ... go Bolts!  Nice win over Dallas.

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