Thursday, August 25, 2011

Style and Timing

Back in my middle-management days, I told my staff that most company problems were either the result of (or could be solved by) style and timing.  'How' and 'when' mattered as much as 'what.'

Now we are in a predicament. We left New York, headed for Maine.  Unfortunately, Hurricane Irene is also headed for Maine.  Sigh.  We are currently parked in a decent campground in Ascutney VT, waiting for (1) a non-hurricane related thunderstorm to pass over us late this afternoon, and (2) updated news on the path of Hurricane Irene.  Only time will tell if we must scurry back to the relative safety of Utica, New York, or whether the storm will be far enough away to let us camp amongst the trees of Bethel, ME - a juxtaposition of Irene's style and our timing.

We took in some local sights today, driving through backwoods roads and shopping at some souvenir shops.  We got Cabot cheese, and homemade ice cream.  We stood at the top of Quechee Gorge.  Breathtaking.

And, every house, every church, every barn in Vermont is beautiful or striking in some way.   There was no point in taking pictures ... it all looks like the post cards.

So, tonight I am knitting and Frank is puttering and we are both awaiting the 8:00 am NOAA update on Irene. 


Bizzle77 said...

Be safe and don't get caught in the hurricane. I miss you both!!!!

Inky077 said...

Uhm, you might want to rethink that Bethel,ME thing. Projected path published this a.m., to run right over Bethel. Will send you updated info. on FB.