Monday, October 15, 2012

Alone in Oceanside

What else did Linda do while waiting for Frank to return from Montana?

Well, there was bingo at the local Elks Club.

 . . .browsing through the amazing array of music at one of Linda's favorite stores.

Then, there was that earthquake . . . much more noticeable when one is sitting in a motorhome.
. . . some shopping at Mission Valley and Fashion Valley shopping centers

Yarn bombing at its finest at the Mission Valley shopping center

The Blue Angels (who are here for the annual Miramar Air Show) did two flyovers  here in Oceanside.  Linda barely got a picture.  During their first pass over the beach, they flew in a straight line and had red, white and blue smoke trails.  Awesome.

And a Sheriff's ASTREA helicopter was on the job searching for some miscreant in the neighborhood behind us.

ASTREA = Aerial Support To Regional Enforcement Agencies
Let's not forget the huge overnight gasoline price increase.  The increase made the national news, and we are living it.

This was at a "cheap" gas station
These are CASH prices  . . . note the credit/debit card prices at the bottom
The only frustration of the week was going to our post office box in Oceanside.  We keep the box for mail forwarding for trips like this.  Anyway, when Linda went to the box, it was empty.  It should have been full ... very full.  We had turned in a mail forwarding order when we left Florida so that our mail would be forwarded to the Oceanside PO Box.  The Oceanside Post Office clerk had entered the information wrong, and had it all forwarded BACK to Largo.  Can we say "your tax dollars at work?"  

We got it fixed, but it was an annoying situation, to say the least.  But, Linda knew just how insignificant this situation was compared to who she saw in the post office, also dealing with a problem:  Junior Seau's father was there, closing Junior's post office box.  It was a sad, poignant moment.  Mr. Seau is well known in the community, and you could see that this was a difficult moment for him.

Come back for the next post to read all about Frank's trip to Montana.

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