Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reunion Part 3 - Dinner Dance

Next on the reunion week schedule was a dinner dance. This was the best-attended event of the week.   The venue was the San Luis Rey Downs golf club and resort . . . one of Southern California's finest.

The turnout was very good, with nearly 150 people attending.  The food was delicious, the band was truly outstanding, and the fellowship was extraordinary.   It was another wonderful time of catching up on each other's lives and renewing old acquaintances.

We're all in our places . . .
The only snafu of the weekend (that we could see, anyway) was that the band arrived and started playing before the dinner was served.  They were supposed to play 5 hours, from after dinner (around 7:00 PM) until midnight.

Instead, as you can see below, they started playing while it was still daylight, and before the dinner was served.  It ended up that they played from 5:00 PM until 10:00 PM.   But their music was so wonderful, nobody complained.  Anyway, we're all a little older now, and perhaps it was best to have an early end to the evening after all.
Their music was excellent
There was ample opportunity before the dinner was served for some dancing, and conversations with fellow members of the Class of 1962.

The dancers warm up before dinner

Some one-on-one reminiscing
Coach Herb Meyer (center) with two of his Class of 1962 baseball players
Here's a good looking trio
More smiles all around
Coach Herb with The Wire Mountain Boys

With dinner out of the way, and darkness over the land, it was time to get down to some serious 1960's dancing, albeit on a senior citizen level.

Boogie time in San Luis Rey

Frank was a very popular dance partner

Girls just want to have fun
Setting up for the 'stroll'

It was yet another successful event in the week.
The Class of 1962 knows how to celebrate.

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