Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beignet . . . Done That

One day we went for a ride around town.   Frank and I come from the generation when "taking a ride" was a high form of family entertainment, especially on a Sunday afternoon.  When Dad would say, "Let's take a ride," the kids knew that they would see something interesting, get a chance to play in the back seat, and most likely be rewarded with an ice cream cone or other sweet treat at the end of the trip.

The architecture of New Orleans is fascinating to us.   We love driving through the Irish Channel, the Garden District, the French Quarter, Uptown, Carrollton, Lakeshore Drive, and seeing the unique homes.


I'd include photos of every building in the French Quarter if I could, but these few will have to do.


On our way home that night, we shopped for souvenirs.  Now, we aren't great Saints fans, and we have sworn off buying chotskies and dustables, but we had to bring something home from the Crescent City.


The diet can wait until the souvenirs are consumed.

BTW ... I didn't think of that clever title for this post.
I saw it on a billboard down here, and had to include it in the blog somehow.

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