Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Crescent City, The End

One evening we went to visit with Frank's friend from the Oceanside High School Class of 1962 ... John Onstott, and his wife, Eleanor.  Our readers may remember that John is a Grand Master bridge player.  The Onstotts took us to dinner, and we had a pleasant time discussing politics, bridge, and the renowned Pirate offensive line of 1961.

All smiles at Mr. Ed's Restaurant in Metarie
Can't you just imagine these two in Pirate green?
There was just one more item to be completed in New Orleans.  Pooh's pesky slideout had been giving us trouble, notwithstanding the fact that we had spent beaucoup bucks on it just prior to leaving Florida.  We nursed it along until we arrived in New Orleans, confident that Jeffery and Derrick would be able to diagnose and fix the darned thing.

Their shop was so busy during the week that it was Saturday before they could take on the challenge.

Mystery solved . . . so THAT's where the hydraulic fluid escaped from
Kudos to the shop guy who does aluminum welding

With the leak in the slideout mechanism fixed, and the freon in the Tracker air conditioner filled up, we were ready to begin the journey back home.

As always, our time in New Orleans was just wonderful.   Too soon it was time to hitch the Tracker to the rear of Pooh, and head eastward toward home.  We waited one more day until the severe thunderstorms had passed on, and then off we drove east on I-10.

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