Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wedding Week Thursday

There are advantages to being the groom's parents.  Your participation in the wedding preparation centers mainly around the rehearsal festivities, and making sure you have Dad's tuxedo and all its trimmings.  Frank had been measured for his tux back in February.  What could possibly go wrong?

Frank and Matt arrive to pick up Frank's tuxedo
Well, I'm glad you asked.  To begin with, his tuxedo did not even arrive at the store until today (the day before the wedding, for you who are counting down the days).  It would have been so nice to have it arrive maybe two days before the wedding, just in case there was a problem.

There was a problem.  The pants were 3" (yes, 3") too short, and there was a silver-dollar-sized hole in the left leg.

Discussing the problems with Frank's tux ... everyone is still smiling, tho
There was nothing we could do but trust that a new pair of pants would be delivered in time on the wedding day.  Of such things are memories made, I guess.

*     *     *     *
Soon it was time to gather for the wedding rehearsal. All went well as we learned where we were to walk, sit, stand, etc. 

The wedding party gathers for the rehearsal
The weather was perfect, and the staff at the venue are superb.  Clearly, their expertise and organization skills will ensure that the wedding ceremony will be done well.  Raelyn and her mother have done an excellent job in choosing this venue for the ceremony and reception.

The venue wedding coordinators keep everything organized

Matt getting last minute advice from his friends
Here they come
Matt waits for his bride
We're all in our places . . . 
When the rehearsal was over, we all walked over to the Pinot Restaurant in the resort for the rehearsal dinner.  Matt and Rae and Rae's mom, Lisa, have planned the whole evening, and it is fabulous!  There are even lovely gift baskets for all of the wedding party, courtesy of Lisa.  The baskets were beautiful and it is obvious Lisa put a lot of thought and care into each one.  Where she found the time to put them all together is anyone's guess.

Raelyn's Family
Bridesmaids and Groomsmen chatting with Grandma Norma
The head table enjoying the Tuscan feast
Pinot is a Tuscan Italian restaurant and we feast on amazing antipasto and caesar salads, chicken parmagiano, haddock francois, and chicken riggies.  All the food is just extraordinary.  Really. Just. Delicious.

Chanda gets sentimental with Matt and Norma
During the dinner Frank and Linda got to spend lots of time getting to know Raelyn's family.  The food and fellowship was blessed and prayed over by the minister, and the whole event was a blessing.

We must insert here our deep thanks and appreciation to Raelyn, Raelyn's family, and Matt for planning the rehearsal dinner.  Because we live so far away, it was impracticable for Frank and Linda to do any of the work involved in putting the rehearsal dinner together.   We are so grateful to them for taking on this responsibility and for making the whole rehearsal event so memorable.

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