Tuesday, November 20, 2012


What do you get when you mix two best friends from high school and a trunk full of memorabilia?

Full of Oceanside High School memories

You get a wonderful trip down memory lane and a day to remember in Valley Center, CA.

The dynamic duo

Russell Armstrong and Frank were best friends in high school.  They have that kind of friendship where they can pick up again on a moment's notice, even when they have not seen each other for long intervals.   At Russell's home up in Valley Center, the bffs spent the afternoon looking over old newspaper clippings, letterman awards, and other memorabilia.

The Budweisers and the lettermen
Some of Oceanside's finest

Frank had forgotten about this article

No kidding . . .


Eventually, the hunger pangs struck and it was time to look for a good place for dinner.  As we walked to our cars, this was the sunset view.  Our poor cheap camera does not do it justice.  It was spectacular.

The view from the Armstrong's driveway at sunset

Russell, his wife Lyn, Frank and Linda at (yet another!!) tasty Mexican restaurant in Valley Center.

Mas chile rellenos y frijoles
 Great day !

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